Thursday, February 28, 2013




Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Getting to know Rahiem Brooks Mind!

Rare Diamond Publications would like to take this time to bring Rahiem Brooks to the spotlight. Rahiem Jerome Brooks currently resides in Philadelphia, PA where he is attending Harvard University to complete his degree in Journalism. He has already completed his certificate in Film/TV certificate program at the University of California in Los Angeles.

When he read books, he felt like the stories was empty and missing something, so he decided to to write stories that he would like to read. He's been writing for 8 years but only been published for two and a half years. What's in store for Mr. Brooks? Well let's see tomorrow what's going on with very talented young man!

If you haven't gotten anyone of his titles, please do so by going to!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Who is Mz. SheriBaby Finale!

Sheri is a busybody. She will be doing a lot of things. She's writing articles for a magazine and working on co-hosting a radio show once a week. When she get stuck on writing, she takes a break from it to do something else.  Music is what gets her juices flowing. In the near future, she wants her publishing company Diamond Studded Publications to do book tours. She's planning on writing more books and becoming a coach to new and aspiring authors.

If you haven't purchased any of her titles, what are you waiting on?! Go to and get yours today! When finished please leave a review!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

What's going on with Mz. SheriBaby?!

When Sheri's working on a book, it depends on how it's flowing, one book she finished in 3 weeks and another one that she started 5 years ago is still in progress. When she completes a book, she send it out to get edit and since she does her own formatting, she typeset her own work.

Her love of writing is what keeps her motivated. She feels if she can motivate or inspire one person, then she did a good job.

If you haven't got any of her titles, please go to to do so and please leave a review!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Who is Mz. SheriBaby!

What started Sheri to write? She was told that she could be a writer when she let other people read her work. She's been writing since she was 12 years old. So it's been about 18 years now. When she started her publishing company, she actually went through another publishing company to get it set up after she let the company publish her first book.

For the upcoming authors that's getting in to the industry for the first time, her advice to you is this, The Key to success is to do your own research and keep writing.

She also want to say that from hearing from her colleagues, that the publishing industry has changed dramatically due to the fact that e-Books are taking over paperbacks and book stores are closing due to the e-Books. What else is on Sheri's mind? Read tomorrow and find out what!

You can go to to purchase her titles! Please leave reviews when finished!

Getting to know Rocky Finale!

Everyone Rocky is very passionate about her craft, writing is second in her life because her daughter is first in her life. She would love to be a best selling author, but if that doesn't happen, she will be just be content with the fact that she was about to get her story out to the world.

She's very rarely get stuck on writing and she seldom get writer's block. She listens to music when she writes, to get her pumped and to keep her momentum going. In the event that she does get stuck or get writer's block, she'll leave the story alone for a while to take her mind off of it and then go back to it with fresh eyes.

 When it comes to writing, music is her best friend. She's a music junkie, she likes to listen to music from the 70's, 80's and 90's to get her juices flowing and she also like to listen to different genres of music as well. From Jazz to Classical to R&B to a few different rap artists.

If you haven't purchased her book I Win You Lose, go to to do so and please leave review when finished! Thank you for this time to getting to know Rocky Rose!

In the her near future is planning to become a full time writer. She believes she was built/created to be a full time writer, so she's embarking on that goal for 2013 to become a full time author. She know she have the potential to make that happen. All she got to do is step out on faith and trust her it's coming!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Who is Mz. SheriBaby!

Rare Diamond Publications would like to introduce you to none other than Mz. Sheri Henry-Harrigan. She currently resides in New York City in Spanish Harlem with her two sons Jaylin, Jayquan, and her husband Jemel. She's the owner of Diamond Studded Publications the publishing company she currently writes under. She's currently working on two titles called "A Black Princess's Diary Part 1" and "Nicole's Story: A Good Girl Gone Bad". She currently has three titles published. What else does this upcoming author has up her sleeve? Find out tomorrow, you will not regret it.

If you haven't purchased any of her books, please go to to get yours!

Getting to know Rocky Rose Continued!

So what keeps Rocky motivated? The answer to that question is easy, it's life, the people she interacts with on a daily basis, and personal things that she goes through that keeps her motivated to keep writing. God has given her a special gift to write. The way she sees it, who is she not to utilize the talent(s) God has bestowed on her.

Her next project that's coming up is her second novel My Man My Abuser is due out June 2013. She also is working to polish some short stories that she wrote back in high school to make them eBooks, no need in wasting good stories she says. She's currently working on her third full novel titled From Abused to Blessed which is the sequel to My Man My Abuser. What's coming next? Find out tomorrow!

If you haven't purchased your copy of I Win You Lose, what are you waiting on? Go to to do so and leave your reviews!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

What's going on in Rocky's Mind continued!

When Rocky is writing a book, the length of time for her to complete it all depends on her work and life schedule. Her first book I Win You Lose took her all of two months to write and it took her that long because she lost both her grandmothers one right behind each other and she was totally stressed out and her focus wasn't on writing at the time. With her second novel, My Man My Abuser took her longer to write to due to she kept stopping because she was getting emotional on some of the scenes her character was going through. After she completed her manuscript, she then give it to a couple of test readers to get their input on it, then she'll send it to her editor for her to do her part. Once she gets it back, she make her corrections, do a final edit and then she'll leave it alone for about a week or so. Then she'll come back to it with a fresh pair of eyes to see if there may be anything she may have missed, and if all is well, then she'll send her files to the printer to get printed up. What's going to happen next? Find out tomorrow!

If you haven't purchased your copy of I Win You Lose, what are you waiting on? Go to to do so and please a leave a review!

What's on Rocky's mind!

Rocky tells upcoming authors that researching can either make you or break you. When it's time to get your manuscript edited/proofread, you will need to find a quality editor to do so. Always stay true to yourself and your brand, Every author is unique in their own way, let your uniqueness show through your writing.

As a new author, Rocky can tell that the industry has changed. She can see that the demand for traditional paperback or even hard cover books is not what it used to be. More and more people are swaying towards eBooks. What coming up next? Find out tomorrow! Stay tuned!

To purchase your copy of I Win You Lose please go to!

Friday, February 15, 2013


In November of 2010, Rocky met her mentor and sister Karen E. Quinones Miller who told her she had "raw" talent. She began writing her first novel My Man My Abuser which is about three years of her life in which she was in domestically violent relationship. In 2012, Rocky wrote I Win You Lose, which is a compilation of six short stories dealing with Domestic Violence.

Life and experiences is what made Rocky to begin her writing career. She's been writing since her Sophomore year in high school, she been writing for about 14 to 15 years. When she wanted to self-publish and own her own publishing company, she attended a seminar that was taught by Karen E. Quinones Miller and began researching information on how to set up  your own publishing company. What's next in this Aspiring Author? Stay tuned for what's coming next!

If you haven't purchased your copy of her books please go to to get your copy and leave a review!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Who is Rocky Rose Continued!

With Rocky, writing wasn't only fun for her, it also served as an outlet to her emotions. You see, she never had the type of relationship with her parents where she could talk to them about anything and everything. So she turned to writing to let everything out through her writings. Even though writing came naturally to her, she never once thought about pursuing a writing career until she dropped out of college at Southern Connecticut State University and enrolled herself into the Breaking into Print writing program where she completed the course in just two years. Want to know who her mentor is? Stay tuned for tomorrow!

If you haven't gotten your copy of her book, what are you waiting on? Go to and get your copy and leave a review!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Who is Rocky Rose?

~"They say I'm a woman of many talents, which is true. My only problem was figuring out which talent(s) I wanted to pursue full time." ~ Rocky Rose

Rocky Rose was born and raised in New Haven, CT. She didn't get serious about writing until her sophomore year when her English teacher told her that she had mega talent. After her story was read by many of her friends in high school, this showed her that her imagination was phenomenal, and that she could do many wonderful things with her mind. What's next for this aspiring author? Stay tuned to find out!

If you haven't purchased your copy please do so by going to!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Finale of getting to know KF Johnson

KF Johnson next project will be the sequel to Behind Closed Doors and possibly some short stories. She's a smart, creative, sarcastic and tenacious woman with a passion for writing and entertaining. When she gets stuck on writing, she'll take a break because you can't force creativity. When she's watching a good movie or reading a good book, this is what gets her juices flowing. By doing these makes her want to get on her writing game too. In the near future, she will be finishing and hopefully publish the sequel to Behind Closed Doors in 2013 and creating some short stories in between.

If you haven't purchase your copy of Behind Closed doors! Please go to to get your copy and leave reviews!

Book description Sometimes the people who seem to have and be everything that everyone else wants to be, are considerably different than what they represent behind closed doors. On the surface, siblings Brenda and Brian Andrews have the looks, money and confidence to make any prospective dating partner second guess their own worth. Unfortunately for them, and their chosen partners, the chaotic, manipulative & promiscuous lives they're truly leading makes them far from the fairy tale catches they'd like to believe they are. When their often abusive & alcoholic father dies under bizarre circumstances at their parent’s home, their mother's peculiar explanation and suspicious behavior lead them to suspect there's more to the story than what she's telling. After the doorway to dark family secrets is suddenly flung open at the funeral, many dust covered skeletons begin tumbling out. Soon the pedestals that Brenda and Brian once stood on begin crumbling beneath their feet, plunging them into a dangerous descent that they may never be able to come back from!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Getting to know KF Johnson Continued!

With KF Johnson book Behind Closed Doors, it took her nearly 10 years to complete the book from beginning to end. With her sequel she only anticipate that to be a year or two to max to complete the second one. When she's writing, she proofreads, and then check the story flow. Then she's sending her book to get edit, then she rereads the book to make sure everything is correct, then she format the book, market the book and then get it published.Her passion for writing is what keeps her motivated. Knowing that it brings joy to the people who genuinely enjoy reading what they read. She gets great joy when she receives accolades from reading her book. What's next for this Aspiring author? Find out what's coming next!

You can purchase your copy at!

Book description Sometimes the people who seem to have and be everything that everyone else wants to be, are considerably different than what they represent behind closed doors. On the surface, siblings Brenda and Brian Andrews have the looks, money and confidence to make any prospective dating partner second guess their own worth. Unfortunately for them, and their chosen partners, the chaotic, manipulative & promiscuous lives they're truly leading makes them far from the fairy tale catches they'd like to believe they are. When their often abusive & alcoholic father dies under bizarre circumstances at their parent’s home, their mother's peculiar explanation and suspicious behavior lead them to suspect there's more to the story than what she's telling. After the doorway to dark family secrets is suddenly flung open at the funeral, many dust covered skeletons begin tumbling out. Soon the pedestals that Brenda and Brian once stood on begin crumbling beneath their feet, plunging them into a dangerous descent that they may never be able to come back from!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Come on over to see what's on KF Johnson's mind today!

KF Johnson first published novel is called Behind Closed Doors. When she begin to write she was 12 years old. She doesn't have her own publishing company but she is a self-published author. For the upcoming authors she would like to tell you to get prepared to market yourself like never before and to be confident in your own work if you expect anyone else to be. Since this is her first book, she noticed that the publishing industry has changed from requiring a publishing company to take you under their wing in order to publish to being in the industry where you could publish yourself and still be successful. How long does it takes to complete a novel? Stay tuned to find out!

Book description Sometimes the people who seem to have and be everything that everyone else wants to be, are considerably different than what they represent behind closed doors. On the surface, siblings Brenda and Brian Andrews have the looks, money and confidence to make any prospective dating partner second guess their own worth. Unfortunately for them, and their chosen partners, the chaotic, manipulative & promiscuous lives they're truly leading makes them far from the fairy tale catches they'd like to believe they are. When their often abusive & alcoholic father dies under bizarre circumstances at their parent’s home, their mother's peculiar explanation and suspicious behavior lead them to suspect there's more to the story than what she's telling. After the doorway to dark family secrets is suddenly flung open at the funeral, many dust covered skeletons begin tumbling out. Soon the pedestals that Brenda and Brian once stood on begin crumbling beneath their feet, plunging them into a dangerous descent that they may never be able to come back from!

If you haven't purchased your copy please do so by going to!

Friday, February 8, 2013

From the mind of LaRedeaux's Mind Finale!

What keep LaRedeaux motivated when she writes is the love and life even though her work is pour fiction, they each have a what if twist to them. Her next projects that is coming up is her biggest project the Smiley Face Killers which is a Mystery Suspense. She has a number of shorts and flash fiction that she's also is working on as well.

She want her readers to know that she's an Author and a regular person. She's the next bestseller you want to read! Trust her.

When she's stuck on writing, she leaves it be and work on another project or read. When she's writing, she doesn't read the same genre but she still read. To keep her juices flowing, anything could peak her interest. It could be a sound, a smell or song. She watches the ideas play out in her head, take notes and then begin the writing process.

In the near future, she will be the next NY Times Bestsellers list. She has big dreams, but in short term, QMB Dirty Deeds Philadelphia tour is next. Her second novel release and new short stories under Midnight Publications are coming up next.

If you haven't purchase anyone of her titles, please do so by going to and getting yours! If you have please leave a review! Thank you for your support!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Come see what's on the mind of KF Johnson tonight!

 Rare Diamond Publications would like to present to you KF Johnson. KF Johnson was born and raised in Queens, New York where she developed a vivid imagination and an aptitude for creative writing, drawing, and anything else entertaining at a very young age. She currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia with her family. Her first glimpse of writing came when she was in the sixth grade where she won a New York City statewide poetry writing contest. What's next for this upcoming author? Stay tuned to find out!

Purchase your copy of her Novel Behind Closed Doors now available on!


When LaRedeaux is working on a story, it takes her about a week to finish a short story, a couple of hours that varies in flash fiction and for a novel, it's entirely different. She don't like to rush a novel because she likes to give the novel her full attention, so it would take a tad bit longer to finish. During the process of publishing her work, she write, write, and write some more. Once she completes the novel, she then send it to get edit. While the novel is in edits, she is working on her book covers or contracting out. In the meantime, she is preparing herself for the rounds of re-edits, writing, proofreading, and write again, Then she publish her work once her novel is totally completed. Stay tuned for what's coming next!\

If you haven't purchased her books yet, what are you waiting on? Get your copy now at!