To be in this game, you have to have tough skin. There will be so many people secretly praying and hoping you fail. But as long as you trust in God and believe in yourself, anything is possible. Believe in yourself when no one else does. Write from your heart and never lose sight if what you're trying to accomplish. Always remember it's not about the money because you may or may not get rich. It's about following your dreams and making a difference. Being able to inspire others and bring joy to someone who is on the verge of giving up. There's no greater joy than accomplishing something you set out to do. The money and fame is a bonus, but it's not guaranteed. Remember in this business, it's risky and cutthroat. Before you do anything, learn the business and control your own destiny. Never take anyone's word, do your homework and know what you are getting into before your begin to self-publish.
Come tomorrow to see what's in his near future!
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